Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Counting the days

I suspect there is an election on the way any time soon.  Sounds like it from the crawling to the TV and radio studies of the leaders of the main parties.  In England there is a pretty straight forward choice.  Vote UKIP, get Labour.

North of the border we have a different set of parties.  But the results may be similar in the sense that how you cast your vote will not so much decide whether the party you voted for gets into power at Westminster but some other party.  So with the SNP and Labour in Scotland virtually walking up the aisle together already it looks like a similar outcome north of the border.  Vote SNP, get Labour.

Now I happen to believe the SNP government in Scotland are a pretty competent bunch.  Indeed, I would vote for an SNP member of the Westminster parliament to ensure that the voice of Scotland is heard.  However, if it meant that it would bring Labour back to power in Westminster after they virtually bankrupted our country last time they were in power my vote will be going elsewhere.  Love or loath them, the Conservatives have tried, with varying degrees of success it has to be said, to bring some economic reality to the economy.  And it’s to the economy I will return in other posts.  But think of this before you go and make a cup of coffee.  The government has no money.  It only has ours, taxes from money earned by us.  

So, who is better at deciding how our money should be spent?  A government ?  Or us?  Discuss.

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