Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Who said what? Back to politics as normal.

Statement one.  We want “a controlled points-based system to support the migration of skilled workers for the benefit of the economy”.   

Statement two.  Our system “will ensure people can come to our country based on what they have to offer, not where they come from”.   

It is interesting that the authors of the first statement are decrying the authors of the second as “reckless”, “draconian”, and “unforgivable.”     

The author of the first statement was Nicola Sturgeon.  The second, Prit Patel.  

So remind me, what did Nicola and the SNP in 2014 campaign for in an independent Scotland promise?   

Yes, to implement an Australian-style points-based system.   The SNP’s 2014 ‘Scotland’s Future’ manifesto for a separated Scotland promised that the newly independent government would deliver.  

Read the SNP promise here.

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