Saturday, June 23, 2018

We already have a deal on the table. It's called WTO.

James McGrory from pressure group Open Britain, said there should be "a choice between leaving with the deal that the government negotiates, or staying in the European Union". 

Sorry, James, it might have escaped you but that vote has already happened.  No matter the deal, we're leaving the EU. 

Anyhow, as anyone who understands business knows, and this is where Gina Millars involvement in Open Britain surprises me because she does understand, we won’t be leaving without a deal.  WTO is already on the table.   

That is the deal we will leave with if the EU continue to refuse to negotiate in good faith. The only question is, if the EU does come up with a deal, will be the deal be better than what we get already from WTO.  If not, no deal with the EU.  It’s not as if we won’t continue trading with EU nations as Remainers try to assert. We will continue to trade, from day one. They can’t stop us. It will just be on WTO rules which 50% of UK international trade already operates under.  Our businesses are well used to trading globally under WTO.

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