Thursday, May 24, 2018

It's bananas.

Typical BBC. 

states in a headline in an article this morning that “Tax rises needed 'to prevent NHS misery'” makes them a slave to the Labour party.  If they had said, as Laura Kuenssberg, BBC political editor carefully did in a report this morning on the Today programme, that spending needs to rise, that would have been ok.  Subtle but very important difference.

But the BBC has assumed it knows best and says the way to increase spending on the NHS is to increase taxes.  No it is not.  The other ways are, cut out the waste that already exists in the NHS.  And secondly, cut funding to other less important budgets and transfer the moment to the NHS.    

If you or I all of a sudden needed, for example, to eat more bananas than we did before, while continuing to eat the same amount of other food, we would look at all of our other spending and decide what we could cut back on so that we could have the bananas.  It might mean difficult decisions.  But I am sure none of us would take the decision to go out and rob someone for the price of the bananas. 

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