Monday, April 24, 2017

The Nasty Party. Not who you thought it was.

I really hadn’t noticed that the legal system we have in Scotland had changed.  But apparently it has.  

Why else would the first minister launch an outspoken attack of allegations of Tory election fraud during the 2015 campaign, suggesting they could have bought the contest and claiming Theresa May had called a snap election before criminal prosecutions could be brought.   She knew full well that those whe was attacking could not answer back. 

And there was me thinking that the basis of our law in Scotland was presumed innocence until being found guilty.   

Not for Nicola it seems.  Her speech today at the TUC conference in Aviemore was pretty explicit.   

She said: “Whatever else happens in this election we should not allow the Tory party to escape the accountability for any misdemeanours that may have led to them buying the last general election.”   

Yes, she added the word “may” to keep her out of the liable courts.   

But it really was pretty desperate and nasty stuff. 

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