Saturday, October 17, 2015

Another vacuous promise

Nicola Sturgeon is today going to pledge to build a new £200m network of NHS treatment centres for planned operations if the SNP wins next May's Holyrood elections.  Brilliant I hear you say. And it is.

But what she has not indicated is where she will get this additional £200m from.  Where is she going to cut from other budgets to enable her to do this very important thing.  Hear anything? Nope, I have not heard that either.  So another pledge so she can slate off the UK government about lack or resources.  This is the UK that only 35% of Scots voted to be separated from. 65% didn't vote to separate.

Well Nicola, the time has come.  These excuses are beginning to wear a bit thin.  Especially as you have not availed yourself of the tax varying powers that you already have.

Health, education, police, three of the areas you have full control over.  And the wheels on the wagons are beginning to get a bit shooglie.

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