Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Be careful what you wish for, Prime Minister.

Legislate in haste, repent at leisure. 

Words the prime minister should remember before he acts to “reign in” the Lords.  

The day may yet come when we will be grateful to have a last bastion against an elected dictatorship.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Be careful what you say.

In this day and age it is very difficult for you to say something in the public domain without it being checked, dissected, and generally exposed to full public examination.  So one wonders how Michelle Dorrell, a mother-of-four, who shouted "shame on you" on BBC Question time as she confronted Amber Rudd, the Energy Secretary, over the welfare reforms and accused the government of taking the money she had worked "bloody hard for", feels this weekend.

For a start, taking her “evidence” for her own predicament, she was wrong according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies which suggested that, because Ms Dorrell does not make a profit, she is unlikely to be hit by changes to the income threshold for working tax credits, which is being almost halved to £3,850 a year.  Point one.

Point two.  She will also not be affected by the changes to child tax credits, which will only be restricted to the first two children for new parents from April 2017.  David Phillips, a senior research economist at the IFS, said: "On what she has told us she wouldn't be affected by the cuts to the child tax credits or the change to the taper rate because she is not above the threshold.   Even the family element thing comes in 2017, and will only apply to new claimants.”

Point three is where it comes more difficult for Ms Dorrell.  Accountants said that she may face scrutiny from HMRC over her business under a new test for self-employed benefit claimants.

The test requires that in order for people to claim tax credits work must be carried out on a "commercial basis" with a "view to a profit".   Ms Dorrell said that her business makes a maximum of £150 week, all of which is put back into new products and advertising.  The business has a website but is not advertised at her property.   Robin Williamson, an accountant at the Low Income Tax Reform Group, said: "If she receives no income from her business it is always possible that HMRC may investigate to see if this test is satisfied."

So apart from her claims being found somewhat tenuous in relation to money getting cut, she could end up being on the wrong side of an HMRC enquiry into her business.  Not a position anyone really wants to be in. So my advice today is, if you are going public, and that includes saying anything on social media, get the facts right and don’t open the door for people to enquire more about your circumstances.  You might just regret it.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Remind me how we voted in the referendum.

The UK government wants to impose a minimum 50% turnout in strike ballots.  

So what right has SNP minister Roseanna Cunningham to make an official request for Scotland to be excluded from the UK government's bill proposing curbs on trade union powers?

Well every right to make the request I would think. 

But zero right to be answered in a way she clearly wants to be answered.    

Let’s get this clear.  Only 35% of Scots voted to leave the UK.  This is UK wide legislation.  So the Scots didn’t back Roseanna on this. 

Indeed it could be argued that 65% of Scots approve of the legislation as they didn’t vote to leave the UK.

Another vacuous promise

Nicola Sturgeon is today going to pledge to build a new £200m network of NHS treatment centres for planned operations if the SNP wins next May's Holyrood elections.  Brilliant I hear you say. And it is.

But what she has not indicated is where she will get this additional £200m from.  Where is she going to cut from other budgets to enable her to do this very important thing.  Hear anything? Nope, I have not heard that either.  So another pledge so she can slate off the UK government about lack or resources.  This is the UK that only 35% of Scots voted to be separated from. 65% didn't vote to separate.

Well Nicola, the time has come.  These excuses are beginning to wear a bit thin.  Especially as you have not availed yourself of the tax varying powers that you already have.

Health, education, police, three of the areas you have full control over.  And the wheels on the wagons are beginning to get a bit shooglie.