Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Twisting the facts

We all love animals, well most of us do.

But some charities seem to want to go a bit further than loving them.  Take IFAW.  I received an email from them (I can’t remember when I gave them permission to use my email for marketing, must follow them up on that). The disingenuous nature was breathtaking.  We all know the SNP were opportunist in their opposition in the House of Commons to bringing England into line with Scotland on hunting laws. 

With my help apparently, IFAW “managed to postpone the threat to the Hunting Act in England and Wales.”  Postpone the threat?  Generously they go on:  “When the UK Government recently tried to wreck the Hunting Act for England and Wales, we heard a lot about how this would bring the law in line with the ban across the border in Scotland.”  So, an admission there that it was an alignment that would happen.

But there is more IFAW want.  "We need your help now to strengthen animal protection laws in Scotland."  Which they argue will have an added bonus as this would also scupper the UK Government's claim that by amending the laws south of the border they are simply trying to bring their provisions in line with those in Scotland.
I’ve heard of twisted logic before but that takes the proverbial biscuit.

Come on IFAW, you have a good case for animal welfare.  But don’t twist the facts to suit your political agenda.  When you do, people will do what I’m about to do, de-list myself from your mailing list.

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