Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The people decided last year

Gordon Wilson, former SNP leader, today apparently urges First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to declare independence if the UK votes to leave the EU but Scots back staying in.

In a submission to a think tank he suggest: "If the Tories win (the UK General Election), as is feasible, then the UK will be faced with an in-out referendum on the EU.  This will be decided on English votes given the disparity in populations amongst the component units of the United Kingdom.”

Er, no. It will be decided by a simple majority of votes of the United Kingdom the people of Scotland voted, by quite a margin in the end, to stay a part of.  Therefore they decided to be part of a UK parliament, and part of the UK in Europe.  We had the chance to choose otherwise but didn’t.  The people of Scotland were not convinced that they wanted to be apart from the other three constituent part of the UK and voted accordingly.

So you can’t now come out and say, well, we as Scots don’t agree with what the UK is doing.  We voted to remain part of the UK and that’s the bed we have to stay in.  For Mr Wilson or Ms Sturgeon to think otherwise is delusional and bordering on the megalomaniacal. 

Do we want a leader to go down the UDI route without another vote on, “Do you want Scotland to be an Independent country”.  It’s almost too absurd a concept for words.  

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