Malta is a lovely country. Or State as we now have to call it now it’s joined the EU. Funny how names change without you really noticing. I think we all know what a State is. The USA has 50 of them I believe. We all know what a State is not. A country. So its goodbye Malta, the independent country that fought so valiantly in the 2nd World War.
I’ve just been there. One of the most amazing things is the low level of crime and disorder. Apart from the areas they have specially set aside for people from the UK where they go and do all the things they think will amuse the local population. Not realising they are being looked at with scorn and pity. For the islands that make up Malta don’t know crime the way we do. A car break in was reported in banner headlines in the Malta Times.
So why are they so crime free? A few observations. Families eat together. On the balcony, the street. Even the beach is covered in the dusk with extended families all enjoying time together. Almost every night. Now, I know local climatic conditions make that possible. Their TV out-put doesn’t inspire staying to watch it either. But is there some secret there. Here, in the UK, it’s all TV dinners in front of mega plasma screens with food bought out the supermarket, probably processed.
One of the fears of the Maltese I talked to is that many of the bad traits that exist in Europe will steadily creep into Malta. Open borders and single currency may have their benefits. But they bring a whole new set of problems. They think they are seeing the first signs of it already. Hopefully joining the EC will not be the beginning of the end for a little bit of this world that lives on common sense, a strong sense of family ties and values and has little crime to write home about.
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